
To implement the “Plan for the Improvement of Consumer Product Standard and Quality (2016-2020)”, SAC approved and released on 4 June the “special action plan for consumer product national standards (2019)”. The special action plan will launch 105 national standard projects for consumer products, including 49 new standard setting projects and 56 standard revision projects. All these standards developed will be voluntary standards.

It is notable that, among the 56 standards to be revised, there are 14 which used to be mandatory standards but will be converted into voluntary standards, moreover, 3 of the 14 will be merged and converted into 1 voluntary standard.

Mandatory standards that will be converted to voluntary standards include:

  • GB 14196.2-2008 and GB 14196.3-2008 (incandescent lamps safety)
  • GB 7000.211-2008, GB 7000.9-2008, GB 7000.17-2003, GB 7000.212-2008 (luminaires )
  • GB 4706.80-2014 (foot warmers and heating mats safety)
  • GB 19594-2015 and GB 19593-2015 (fireworks)
  • GB 19652-2005 (discharge lamps safety)
  • GB 19510.9-2009 (lamp control-gear safety)

Mandatory standards that will be merged and converted into 1 voluntary standard are:

  • GB 19877.1-2005, GB 19877.2-2005 and GB 19877.3-2005 (special soap, bath agent and hand cleaner)

In addition, among all the 105 national standard projects, 44 will adopt international standards, mainly the ISO-IEC standards. it is noticeable that a European standard: EN 14932:2006 will be adopted by the Chinese standard of “Silage Wrap Film”.