SESEC Online Event Presentation:

SESEC IV Online Event 23: China Quantum Technology Standardisation

SESEC IV Online Event 24: Summary of China Conformity Assessment Changes in 2020

SESEC IV Online Event 25: China Blockchain Standardisation

SESEC IV and the EU SME Centre Online Event 26: China-EU Eco-design Standardisation – Similarities and Differences

SESEC IV Online Event 27: Progress of China Integrated Circuit Standardisation

SESEC IV Online Event 28: China Cybersecurity and Data Protection Laws, Regulations and Standards

Previous Presentation:

SESEC IV Webinar 09: Chinese Standardization – Ecodesign, Green Product & Energy Efficiency

20191107 SESEC_webinar CN STD Ecodesign, green products & Energy Efficiency

SESEC IV Webinar 08 on “Current Status of China Blockchain Standardization”

20190910 SESEC Webinar blockchain standardization in China

SESEC IV Webinar 07: Introduction of China Electric Vehicle Standardization

20190627 SESEC Webinar The NEV standardization in China

SESEC IV Webinar 06: China AI Standardization and Regulations

2019_06_11 SESEC IV China AI Standardization and Regulation

SESEC IV Webinar 05: China Association Standards and Current Situation

2019_03_07 SESEC IV China Association Standards and the Current Status