
On August 26, 2019, the Standardization Administration of China (SAC) published the Announcement of the Standardization Administration of China on the Establishment of 14 Technical Committees including National Technical Committee on Science and Technology Evaluation (TC580), in which the Internet of Things Sub-Technical Committee of China National Information Technology Standardization Network Technical Committee(SAC/TC 28/SC 41) was approved, with its Secretariat in China Electronics Standardization Institute (CESI).

SAC/TC 28/SC 41 is mainly responsible for the development of national standards on IoT architecture, terminology, data processing, interoperability, sensor networks, testing, evaluation, and other basic and general technology fields of IoT. SAC/TC 28/SC 41 mirrors ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41 (International Standardization Organization/International Electro-technical Commission First Joint TC/ TC and SC on Internet of Things and Related Technologies).

CESI will continue to fulfill its responsibilities as the Secretariat of SAC/TC 28/SC 41 and as the mirror for the international TC to jointly realize the maximum value of standardization within the IoT industry. It will also promote the orderly, high-quality, and ecological development of the IoT industry.